Tuesday, October 19, 2010

the doggie pentagon headquarters

C.I.A human director Jack Ryan is meeting with doggie secrtry of defense Harrett the doggie, along doggie c.i.a stella the doggie,they are meeting with meeting doggie u.s chief of major mo the doggie and his trusty doggie aids macy mo and mac mo the doggies who meeting and planing another miltartary attack and mission to fly 4000 c.i.a black ops doggie and human commandos to fly to Paris ,France, to prevent and stop a AL Qaeda terriost attack,being planed by Osama Bin Laden and Rap music CRIME Lord Very violent gansgter,who both a joint AL Qaeda-Rap Music gangsters terrisot attack on major city land marks in France, because of The LAPD arrested and sending back to federal Prison VERY Violent music gangster T.I.
these large group of AL Qaeda terriosts and rap music gangsters have plans to put road side bombs,along PARIS city and try to kill as many french troops trying to stop and kill them.
Doggie u.s president Lizzie the doggie has been told about the planned terriost attack in France.

France's miltarty got permission from their president ,to fire and launch 6000 long range missiles into Iran.

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